Earn money with beauty tutorials

22/12/2020 Amari Lindroos

‘How to do smokey eyes’, ‘how to make a herringbone braid’, ‘party nails in 5 steps’, ‘facial beauty treatment step by step’ etc. I bet there was at least one moment in which you searched for a beauty tutorial online. Short instructional videos keep gaining popularity and content creators are making good money.

Eager to make your own high-quality videos and sharing them online on your own channel? Our step-by-step plan guarantees success, a great deal of views and a solid income!

1. Determine your topic and make sure you have the necessary skills

In order to manage a successful channel, it is very important to be unique and to consider thoroughly what it is exactly that you want to achieve.

First of all, decide on what you want to teach your viewers and which topic you will discuss. Do you want to become the next common make-up artist who puts out various tutorials without uniformity? Than you'll have to work extra hard in order to be noticed, because you'll definitely not be the only one. It is more profitable to narrow down a subject and master it. For example, think of bridal make-up, tv make-up, henna painting, make-up for dummies, make-up for men... As soon as you gain some followers, you can always extend your offer.

Make sure that you excel in what you do. After all you're teaching your viewers how to do it themselves. Follow a course and practice a lot, for example during an internship. Some of the popular themes for tutorials are hairstyling, make-up, nailstyling, beauty care or massage techniques.

To get inspired:

  • Nail art with house-, garden-, and kitchen supplies
  • Party make-up with bright colors
  • Beauty treatments with simple, natural products
  • Hairstyling for short haircuts
  • Self-massaging for people with a desk job

Don't hesitate to shake your tutorials up a bit. For example, only collaborate with famous people, try every beauty trick out on your friend, explore the world of ASMR or invite an amateur to comment on your work. Let your imagination run wild!

2. Come up with a rock-solid strategy

First of all, target your audience. A lot of things depend on this. From the way you speak to the channels you use. Establish a detailed customer profile of a desirable target member. Give him/her a name and age, think of a hypothetical job, education, hobby, place of living, which social media he/she uses etc.; Also think of reasons why this person would watch your videos. To relax? For professional purposes? For parties? Everything is possible! Keep this person in mind while making your video; you direct yourself fully towards him/her. Make as many customer profiles as you want, but bare in mind that your videos have to be relevant for this type of audience.

After targeting your audience, determine which channels to use. YouTube and Facebook are currently the most popular channels for tutorials. YouTube is mostly adequate to reach a younger audience with longer videos (from more than 3 minutes). With Facebook you direct yourself more easily towards a somewhat older audience. On this channel you preferably post shorter videos. You can also choose to post videos on both channels, in order to discover where they receive more attention. Make sure you also consider other channels, like TikTok, Instagram, Vimeo, Snapchat...

3. Make a smashing video

Now that you came up with a strategy, the real work can begin. Provide a quality camera and microphone.

Explore different ways to make tutorials. Create your own style and make sure you keep your target audience in mind. Before you start filming, answer the following questions:

  • In which room will you shoot your videos?
  • Are you speaking while filming or do you post-add a voice-over?
  • Are you focusing solely on yourself or do you invite guests?
  • Is the viewer supposed to simultaneously do what you do, so that you need to explain everything more slowly?
  • Do you have suitable material and quality products?

Before you start filming, you better elaborate a script. It's up to you whether or not you do this in great detail. Have it checked by someone else before you start filming. In this blog you learn more about the theme 'writing'.

Do you want to learn more about filming techniques and equipment? Or do you prefer tips and tricks from our professional teachers? Our course Video Producer will certainly learn you a lot!

4. Edit your video

Try different programs and figure out which tools suit you best. Do you like effects? Or do you want to keep it simple? Some of the more popular programs for video editing are Shortcut, Adobe Premiere Pro CC, Movavi and iMovie. Of course there exist many more, each with different functions. Some of them are free for download or online use, but others require a small fee.

Feel free to explore different programs and functions, but you'll master this skill best by following our course Image and Video Editing.

5. Pick a smart marketing strategy

Views are not generated automatically. You'll have to put a lot of time in promoting your services and targeting your audience. Focus on different social media channels and maybe even some sponsored content. Even when you have been in the business for a while, it's highly important to attract new followers.

With our course Marketing or Social Media Marketing you'll learn in no-time how to establish your very own strategy.

6. Make money with your videos

In order to really make some money with your channel, you'll have to focus on one of the following possibilities:

Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing means promoting products that you don't sell yourself. If a brand or company sells something to someone who knew about a specific product through your channel, you get a small share of the profit, or a commission. The percentage you earn, depends on how many people you convince with your videos.

For example use products of a known brand and put a selling link in the video description.

And most of all: make clear agreements with your business partner.

Sponsored content

With affiliate marketing you have to wait in order to know how many you'll earn exactly, but with sponsored content you'll get paid a predetermined amount of money in order to promote a product or brand. It's also possible that you receive a free product as a way of payment.

Before you start filming, make sure you are aware of the desires of your business partners.

Ads before, during or after your video

From the moment your channel reaches enough people, you qualify to become a YouTube Partner. When that happens, you receive extra features, such as advertising revenue.

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YoutubeYoutuberAffiliate marketingTutorialsBeauty tutorialsDiyVideoMarketingBeautyMake a tutorialVideo editing
